Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Monday!!

Hollyhocks Too, 15" x 15"

I'm honored to be the featured artist today over at Charley Parker's blog "lines and colors" -- Thank you, Charley!!

It is almost an understatement to say that lines and colors features a wide range of visual art. Charley's posts cover everything from classical paintings and drawings to contemporary comics and concept art. It's always a treat to see what he shares. Check it out!!


  1. Hi Chris, I just found this blog after visiting Lines and Colors. You're a very talented painter. Congratulations on getting your painting on the cover of the Best of America, Watermedia book. What an honor. You must be so proud.

  2. This is a stunning piece. I check out the link.

  3. Thanks, Michelle and Cynthia!! I'm always pleased to have my work recognized! It's a joy to be able to share it with people.

  4. Congratulations, Chris! You are really gathering some well-deserved accolades :)

  5. Thanks, Rhonda!! You could have knocked me over with a feather when I opened the email from Charley this morning!! I'm thrilled to be featured!!

  6. Luminous. All of your work has the most amazing light quality that makes it dance right off the page..or screen. That orange bell pepper just knocks my socks off! And you make is look so simple!

    You seem to be having a great new year, best wishes for the trend to continue!

  7. Kaylyn, thanks for your good wishes. I wish I could claim it, but the bell peppers painting is a creation of Sarah Bent who is featured on my showcase blog right now. That image is on my blog only as an introduction to her feature.

  8. Your paintings are stunning, Chris! Congratulations on both the book and the featured spot on Lines and Colors!

  9. Congratulations on being featured on the Lines and Colors blog. You deserve it. I absolutely love this painting. These are some of my favorite flowers and your highlights and shadows are wonderful.

  10. How nice - your work is being featured, just the way you feature others! I agree with Rhonda - you are a sharing, caring wonderful artist who deserves the accolades!

  11. This is really beautiful! Love the light!

  12. Thanks, Nancy and Alex!! Glad you like my work. Deb, it's true -- it's nice to be on the receiving end of a feature!!

  13. Your hollyhocks are glowing here !!!

  14. Beautiful light in your pieces! Also, congratulations on the signature status!!

  15. The light in this is amazing, Chris. Love this!

  16. What a neat honor, Chris. This one is gorgeous! Your colors are so fresh and it.

  17. Thanks so much, Mollie!! Glad you like it.

  18. One word to describe this painting would have to be; Outstanding

    Great work!

  19. Thanks, Mary -- always nice to hear from you!!

    Rinaldo, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm glad you like my work!!

  20. that's a great piece Chris, hard to bring something exciting and new to a watercolor floral. it really glows - bravo!

  21. Thanks very much, Nick! It means a lot coming from you!!


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